The Fluidity of Perception: Expanding Our Horizons

Perception is the lens through which we experience and interpret the world, and it profoundly influences how we navigate our reality. The idea that "the universe is only as large as our perception of it" encapsulates this concept perfectly. Our grasp of the world is shaped not by the vastness outside us, but by the boundaries and capabilities of our own perception. In essence, the extent of our universe is determined by the reach of our awareness…

The current devastating events in the world have left me grappling with a profound question: How is it possible that some people perceive these crises so differently from others? Witnessing the stark contrasts in how individuals interpret and respond to global issues has underscored the complexity of perception. It is disheartening to see how deeply ingrained biases, differing cultural backgrounds, and varying levels of access to information shape our understanding of reality. Some people may view these events through a lens of fear or suspicion, while others might approach them with empathy and a call for collective action. This divergence in perception highlights not just a gap in knowledge, but also a fundamental difference in how we process and interpret the world around us.

We all know that we perceive the world through our senses, however perception is not just about raw data; it involves interpretation, and context plays a critical role in shaping these interpretations. But… How do we break free? How can us humans transcend our automatic interpretations shaped by our backgrounds, contexts, and beliefs to achieve a more liberated and open-minded perspective?

I’ve been trying to read as many books as possible around the topic and I recently found one that caught my attention: The Creative Act, A Way of Being, by Rick Rubin, where I learned a very interesting concept, “The Beginners Mind”. The Beginner's Mind, emphasizes approaching each situation with a fresh perspective, free from preconceived notions or expertise. You know when people say “read/study/learn more so that you can make an informed opinion”? Well… this is kind of the opposite.

Rubin draws on Zen Buddhism's concept of "shoshin," which values the openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions that a novice brings. It means setting aside your existing knowledge and assumptions to approach problems or creative tasks as if you are encountering them for the first time. This approach fosters fresh perspectives and innovative thinking, as it allows you to see possibilities and solutions that might be overlooked by someone stuck in conventional patterns or rigid expertise.

The Beginners Mind approach means engaging in every situation with a genuine sense of wonder and curiosity, as if encountering it for the first time. It means we need to challenge ourselves by asking fundamental questions (the basic of the basic of questions) about the problem at hand and setting aside our accumulated knowledge and past experiences. Rubin suggests that by temporarily putting aside what you know, you can see things more clearly and come up with new innovative solutions, that have never been thought before.

There is a prevalent belief that increasing knowledge automatically expands our perception of possibilities. While I do believe, acquiring knowledge is valuable, it does not always translate to a broader view of what is achievable. The real breakthrough often comes when we transcend the boundaries set by our prior experiences and preconceived notions.

In this issue, we delve into the multifaceted concept of perception from various perspectives. We feature an insightful article by visual artist Makan Negahban, exploring our understanding of beauty. Additionally, we engage with plastic artists and fashion designers to uncover how our cultural backgrounds and personal perceptions shape the art we create. We also pose a fundamental question: What does the term "perception" mean to you? Through these diverse contributions, we aim to enrich our understanding of how perception influences both our individual experiences and our creative expressions.

We hope you enjoy the 15th edition of We The Cool Magazine. May the insights and conversations within inspire you to reexamine and deepen your understanding of the world around us.

Yours Truly,

We The Cool Magazine


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