Graphic Simplicity Made Powerful


Guillaume’s work is a “visual diary of geometric shapes.” He elevates everyday moments to create beautiful compositions of light, shape, and color, all with the iPhone he carries in his pocket.

Amor: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Guillaume: Hi, my name is Guillaume. I live and work in Paris. I am 44 years old.

A: How has your background influenced your work? Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

Guillaume: I studied film photography throughout my studies in art school, but it was really digital photography that fascinated me. At first, my work was done through the smartphone. Convenient to carry, easy to conceal, and always in the pocket. I observe a lot, and every day is a source of inspiration. The smartphone has therefore become my most faithful companion. I subsequently invested in a camera (but it is not always with me).

A: Tell us about your work at L.O.V.E… Is there anything exciting you are currently developing with your team?

Guillaume: L.O.V.E is a small agency. it can even be described as a «creative workshop» specializing in luxury. We are fortunate to support prestigious brands in their image. We offer 360° expertise. indeed, our achievements range from design to packaging, including film and advertising visuals. Every project is exciting. Confidentiality will not allow me to say much more, but we are currently developing a new perfume bottle and a very nice jewelry campaign.

A: We see a lot of geometry in your photographs. Where does your inspiration come from?

Guillaume: Yes, I like geometry. I like structures. I think I was inspired by the work of 20th-century graphic designers like Alexey Brodovitch, Jean Widmer. simple, impactful shapes that give power.

A: Who has impacted the work you are doing? Musicians, other artists, creatives, or someone in your personal life…

Guillaume: Two photographers have impacted my work: Luigi Ghirri for his subtlety and simplicity, Guy Bourdin for his compositions and his colors, and Saul Leiter for his urban shots.


A: Your photograph “Tuileries Garden” broke the Internet. Can you tell us the story behind this photo?

Guillaume: My agency is next to the Tuileries Garden. One afternoon, I decided to go there for lunch. Every summer there is a fairground. A ride on the Ferris wheel, equipped with my camera, allowed me to capture these Parisians on a lunch break around one of the fountains.

A: What has been your favorite project, photograph, or series of photos, and why?

I like to capture my children, in different places, with different lights. Most of the time just an arm, a part of the body. I also like to find graphic simplicity in cars, bodies, and poetry in clouds...

A: What’s your creative process like? Where do you begin when starting a new project?

As photography is not my main activity, I let myself be guided. I’m not leaving with a specific project. These are more contemplative moments.

“The photos are there, and all you have to do is take them.” said Robert Capa

