What if we move Earth to a new orbit?
Editorial Letter
Production & Styling: Amor Diaz @isa__amor, Georgina Villa @georgina__villa
Photos: Izack Morales @izackmr
Model: Serena Marques @serena.marques @wilhelminamodels
Hair: Chika Kimura @chikakimura_hair
Makeup: Jianqiao Lu @beautagelu
Vegetable Leather Pack Purse, Nicholas K.
Top, Aknvas.
Optimistic comebacks and re-openings, the acceptance of new normalities and the appearance of unexpected twirls have gotten us into a roller coaster of exciting yet uncertain emotions this year. We are witnessing a huge shift in ideologies, desires and expectations.
The need to escape is pressing. New worlds and alternate realities are being explored. Not only in the sense of breaking free from confinement or “evading control”, as the dictionary would define. When we say that our society is exploring new realities, we literally mean it.
Top, Aknvas.
The COVID-19 crisis has brought about years of change in the way companies in all sectors and regions do business. According to a new McKinsey Global Survey of executives, companies have accelerated the digitization of their customer and supply-chain interactions and of their internal operations by three to four years. And the share of digital or digitally enabled products in their portfolios has accelerated by a shocking seven years. Remote working, distance learning, telehealth, and the online entertainment spike are just a few examples of the new direction our world is headed towards.
In this issue, we immersed ourselves into the world of NFTs and imaginary cyberpunk universes through the eyes of curator and digital enthusiast Eileen Isagon Skyers and artist Serwah Attafuah. We are visiting the workshop of José Fernandez from Ironhead Studio, the firm behind the costume and creature design in movies such as Batman, Godzilla, The Avengers and Alien. We will travel through time and celebrate different design manifestations and finally, take a trip to Orbital Assembly, the world's first large scale space construction company that’s offering the first low gravity vacations in low orbit on a luxury space station.
We are experiencing unprecedented times, as if Earth were moving into a new orbit and we couldn’t be more excited about everything being developed in this era, OUR ERA.
We hope you enjoy the ride!
We The Cool Magazine